Immortalize moments to make them indelible in our memories: if I think about photography this is the first thing that comes to mind. But is it the reality? If you think about it, photography always surrounds us, we see it everywhere because it is not only what we take to remember an event, but it is present in everyday life: in newspapers, on billboards, on social media, it is used in the medical and scientific fields, it’s part of our lives more than we think.
Since its birth it has undergone a great evolution: from the first daguerreotypes on copper plates, to real photos in black and white first and then in colour, up to roll-film cameras and the first digital ones. Today it is possible to take millions of photos via smartphones and appear, knowing your life through images has become fundamental in the world of social media. This makes a lot of reflection on how times change and the use of a provided tool that has always been present in our lives changes and evolves to keep up. Think for example of selfies, if before photography was used to take portraits or at most some self-portraits that were a bit complicated to make, now with front cameras it is easy to immortalize yourself in every situation, alone without the need for someone other than take the picture. This was unthinkable until recently. However, this doesn’t mean that professional photography must stop existing, indeed, because we all improvise photographers the need grows in some moments to rely on professionals to be noticed and to ensure that one’s image is captivating compared to the others. Professional photography and artisan shots can coexist, you just need to know how to separate situations and intended uses. Photography is constantly evolving and is an integral part of our lives. Today more than ever, having the tools to do it, you can capture what is beautiful in the world. Stop for a moment, look around and shoot, there is always something amazing to capturing.
“Among the many ways of fighting nothingness, one of the best is to take photographs, an activity that should be taught to children early, because it requires discipline, aesthetic education, a good eye and safe fingers. (…)
when you go around with the camera there is a duty to be careful, not to miss that abrupt and delicious reflection of a ray of sunshine on an old stone, or the race of braids in the wind of a little girl who returns with a loaf or a bottle of milk.”
The Devil’s burrs – Julio Cortázar